
What Will Be The Weather Prediction For This Friday’s Practice Race In The F1 Mexican GP 2023?

7 months ago By Walter Thompson

As the Formula 1 circus heads south of the border from Texas to Mexico City, anticipation is building for the 2023 Mexican Grand Prix. The Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez, situated at a staggering 2,200 meters of elevation, provides a unique challenge for teams and drivers due to its high altitude. While the track’s future on the Formula 1 calendar is uncertain, it remains a thrilling venue, and this year’s Mexican Grand Prix promises to be no exception.

With all eyes on Friday’s practice sessions, where teams lock in their setups, understanding the weather prediction is crucial. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for this Friday’s practice race.

Altitude and its Impact

First and foremost, the high altitude of the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez sets the stage for some unique challenges. At 2,200 meters above sea level, this track is a significant outlier in terms of elevation, with the next highest being Interlagos at 800 meters. The thin air at this altitude can lead to cooling issues all over the car, and Mexico City’s historical races have often been filled with surprises driven by these challenges.

Friday: Practice 1 and Practice 2

Friday will kick off with Practice 1 and Practice 2. These sessions provide crucial track time for teams and drivers to fine-tune their setups and get a feel for the conditions. While the altitude is constant, other factors such as temperature and wind can vary.

Temperature-wise, teams can expect a peak of 25 degrees Celsius. This is relatively moderate and shouldn’t pose extreme challenges in terms of tire management or car performance. Practice 2, scheduled to begin at 16:00 local time, will likely see temperatures around this range, providing stable conditions for the teams to gather data.

The wind could be a notable factor on Friday. The windiest day of the weekend is expected to be Friday, but gust speeds are unlikely to top double figures. While not extreme, these wind conditions can still affect the aerodynamics of the cars, particularly in high-speed sections of the track.

Saturday: Practice 3 and Qualifying

Saturday’s sessions, including Practice 3 and Qualifying, continue to provide opportunities for teams to fine-tune their setups and drivers to prepare for the crucial qualifying session. Weather conditions are expected to remain relatively stable.

Once again, temperatures are not expected to soar to extreme levels. The wind won’t be too gusty, ensuring that teams can focus on their preparations without significant external factors to contend with. One point of note is a 10% chance of rain for the qualifying session. While this chance is relatively low, it’s always worth keeping an eye on weather updates as the weekend approaches.

Humidity levels will change throughout the morning. Starting at 90 percent in the early morning, humidity is expected to drop to 50 percent for FP3 at 11:30 a.m. local time. This drop in humidity can have subtle but important effects on the car’s aerodynamics and tire grip.

Sunday: Race Day

Finally, Sunday’s race day arrives, and all eyes are on the climactic event. Once again, the altitude remains a constant factor, and it’s something teams have been preparing for throughout the weekend.

Temperature conditions on race day won’t be particularly extreme. The peak temperature is not expected to go above 25 degrees Celsius. While this ensures relatively moderate track temperatures, there’s an interesting twist: a 14 percent chance of rain. The prospect of rain can dramatically shake up race dynamics, adding an element of unpredictability.

It’s essential to keep an eye on the weather updates as race day approaches. While the chances of rain might seem relatively low, a sudden shower can turn the race into a thrilling spectacle, with tire strategies, pit stops, and driver skills coming to the forefront.

In conclusion, the weather predictions for this Friday’s practice race at the 2023 Mexican Grand Prix paint a picture of relatively stable conditions. The high altitude of the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez remains a consistent challenge, but the temperature, wind, and humidity levels are expected to fall within manageable ranges. However, the prospect of rain on race day introduces an element of uncertainty that Formula 1 fans relish. It’s a reminder that in the world of motorsport, Mother Nature can always play a pivotal role in determining the outcome. As teams and drivers prepare for the practice sessions, they’ll be keeping a keen eye on the sky, ready to adapt to whatever weather conditions come their way. This weekend’s Mexican Grand Prix promises to be an exciting and unpredictable chapter in the 2023 Formula 1 season, and fans around the world are eager to see how it unfolds.

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